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Calling all performers...


We are looking for show-offs really! You could be a local club, an individual, a team or a musician – just bring your talent, and show us what you've got. We will probably be splitting the time up into 10 minute slots, so if you're interested then drop us an email via the contact page.


Last year we were entertained by bands, martial artists, dancers and singers.


If it's colourful, noisy, funny, dramatic or just plain silly, then it's probably what we want!


Running times for the day TBC


The fun competition for your favourite family pets


Why not enter your dog in the novelty dog show? It's only for fun, but there are rosettes and prizes to be won. Entries are accepted in the Dog Show Arena from 1.30pm. Entry fee is £2 per dog, per class. Judging commences at 2.15pm. Other timings will depend on number of entries per class, but no class will begin before the stated time. Rosettes for places 1 to 4 in all classes. Winners of each class will compete in the Grand Final in the Dog Show Arena at 4.45pm for Champion and Reserve Trophies.


Below is an approximate running schedule for the event, and timings are subject to slight alteration.


1.  2.00pm  Best Puppy up to 12 months    

2.  2.15pm  Best Golden Oldie

3.  2.30pm  Dog with the Best Trick

4.  2.45pm  Biggest Diva

5.   3.00pm  Dog with the Best Smile

6.  3.15pm  Dog with the Waggiest Tail

7.  3.30pm  Best Child Handler

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